How will I get my refund?
It can take up to 21 working days* from the day after you dropped off your return for it to reach our warehouse and be processed (this depends on your carrier and the country you’re returning from). We’ll let you know once that’s done – you’ll receive an email with all the details about your refund. You can also set up push notifications in the NEXTSHOPPER App to keep an eye on updates about your refunds – read more about push notifications here.
Paid with a credit/debit card?
After we process your refund, it may take up to 10 working days for the refund to reach your account – this depends on your bank or card issuer.
All refunds go to the original card used to pay for the order – we can’t refund you to a different card. If that card is no longer in use, the refund will still go back onto the account linked to your old card, providing that account is still open.
Paid with a gift voucher?
If you paid for your whole order with a gift voucher, then the refund will be credited to your NEXTSHOPPER account ready for you to spend straight away.
If you paid with a combination of gift voucher and another payment method, we’ll refund the alternative payment method first, and then the remaining amount will be credited to your NEXTSHOPPER account ready for you to spend.
Your replacement gift voucher will have the same expiry date as your original gift voucher.
Paid using Klarna?
If you’ve returned items from an order paid for with Klarna, and you’re near the end of your invoice period, we’d recommend you mark the item as returned in the Klarna portal.
If you have any questions about extending your invoice, please contact Klarna Customer Service. NEXTSHOPPER isn’t able to extend your invoice.
You’ll automatically receive a reminder from Klarna if you pass the date of payment shown on your invoice. If you’ve received a reminder but already returned items to us, please contact Klarna Customer Service.
Paid using Afterpay?
You’ll be sent an updated invoice within 24 hours after your return has been processed. If a refund is owed to you, a refund will be issued back to your original payment method. Please allow up to 10 working days for this money to show in your account.
Your right to return items isn’t affected by the payment period, and you’ll only have to pay for the items that you keep.
If you have parcels that have been shipped from multiple warehouses, you can follow our usual returns process and return them to the same location.
Contact Afterpay Customer Service here if you have any questions about or issues with your Afterpay invoice.
I’ve used a promo code
If you applied a promo code, please make sure you check the promo code’s Ts&Cs.
Most of our codes require you to either buy a specific number of items or spend a specific amount for the discount to apply. If you place an order using such a code and then return an item that makes your order no longer meet the conditions of the promo code, the amount you’re refunded may be adjusted or no refund will be given.
An example of how a refund may be adjusted is below:
· Code – £20 off a minimum £100 spend
· Order total – £110
· Returned item cost – £30
As the return brings the total spend under the minimum spend of £100, the refund would be adjusted to reflect this and the discount of £20 removed. This would mean a refund of £10 would be issued.
Some promo codes will vary depending upon the products purchased and may apply a different discount to each item, e.g., ‘5% off item 1, 20% off item 2 and 50% off item 3’, you’ll see a breakdown of each discount at checkout and in your order confirmation email. If you need to make a return, you’ll see this reflected in any refunds you may receive.
I think my refund is incorrect
There are a couple of things that may affect the amount you’re due.
If you used a promo code, check if your order still meets the conditions of the code without the items you’ve returned. See the above example of how your refund may be affected.
If you paid for delivery, this would only be refunded for cancelled orders under the Distance Selling Regulations or if the item was faulty.
If you still think your refund is incorrect, or if all the above timeframes have passed and you still haven’t received your refund, please get in touch with us and provide your proof of postage – we’ll be happy to help.
Just one more thing…
Disclaimer: our website contains links to websites owned and operated by third parties; these are provided solely for your convenience. NEXTSHOPPER have no control over these sites and are not responsible for their content or availability.